- Agility Training
- Balance Training
- Character
- Endurance Training
- Flexibility Training
- Mental Toughness
- Nutrition
- Speed Training
- Strength Training
- Teamwork
Training Sessions Coming Soon…
These training sessions are target specific, focusing on a different area to work on. For instance, if you know you need to work on “patience,” then just focus on the training video for patience. These are “one size fits all” and not age related.
If a link is activated, the lesson is available and will take you to a brief description page where you can decide if this workout is right for you. If it is not activated, it will be available soon. We are building our website and adding training materials, so thanks in advance for your understanding. You have an opportunity to put into practice what you are learning and grow in the meantime while we are adding new training sessions.
The main thing is to have FUN! This program is all about you, helping you to grow up and biggie-size the inside, so you can “Biggie-size” your outside life. We will have coaching sessions, drills, Q & A’s, games, pictures, videos, and yes – tests and homework. The homework is to keep your mind focused on what you are supposed to be learning; and the tests are to see if you actually learned it so you can be promoted to the next level. So don’t sweat it, just pay attention and have fun while you are learning and growing. Good luck!