


We are a team: Soul and Spirit, and God and Man. We have to work together to get anything accomplished.

Control Tower

Like an airline pilot and air traffic control tower, you have to listen to and work with the tower in order to land or take-off safely.

Mission Control

Like a rocket launching and ground control, the astronauts have to trust the control center and do what they say. They have a better perspective and see the overall picture. They will help them accomplish their mission and watch out for their safety. They are on the same team.


Like a cab driver, the Soul chauffeurs the Spirit around. Just because he’s driving, sitting behind the controls, doesn’t mean he gets to go where he wants, when he wants. He is there to serve your Spirit.

Football Game

Like a football player does what the Coach says, or a Coordinator runs what the Head Coach calls from the box. He has a better view of the game and can make better adjustments from his view to beat the opponent.

Puppet or Partner?

Satan would like to paint it in a bad light to make you think if you give God control, you ‘lose your life’ and are just a puppet for Him to push around. Absolutely not! On the contrary, He is your Father and is always thinking about ways to help you and assist you, to make your life easier. He only has our best interest in mind. His desire is to help us succeed in life, like any loving parent. We have to know He loves us and we can trust Him unequivocally. He will help us reach our goals and see the life we want. If we just stick with Him and follow His lead, we’ll be set for life. We may not always understand, but we can trust Him hands down.

Cooperation Needed!

But we have to cooperate with Him instead of rebelling against Him. He doesn’t need us to always be second-guessing Him, questioning or doubting Him, or trying to compromise. Just follow instructions please. You will get to where you want to go a lot faster! Like a coach helping a young athlete develop his raw talent, the coach knows what the player needs to do but the athlete has to trust him and do it.

It’s like the left foot and right foot, walking together. It takes two to walk. Once we become dependent on the Spirit guiding us, we don’t know how we ever lived without Him (like electricity, cars, TV, cell phones, etc.) He’s invaluable. Yes, we can have “existence” without Him, spinning our wheels going no-where, like a caterpillar just plodding along. But to “really live” (like a butterfly or eagle) – this is the life! We can either “suffer” by ourself, or tag team up with Him and He takes care of everything that concerns us. Teamwork is definitely the way to go!
