‘Love That Winning Feeling!
Winning feels a lot better than losing, right? Who wants to be the loser? No-one of course. When you are on the losing team you are down in the dumps, kicking yourself about your performance and how you could have done a better job, nothing is going right, you’re mad and upset, and feel the shame of losing. But the truth of the matter is that there will always be winners and losers in a competition. The object is to cut your losses and get more wins on the board. And that is exactly what you do when you turn those losses into learning experiences and make adjustments for your next match. We turn our tragedies into triumphs and become consistent winners!
Of course we all know that “practice makes perfect,” but no-one loves the “practice” part, because “work” is that bad four-letter word, right? Who loves to sweat and exert a lot of effort and focused energy, or try learn something new and get out of your comfort zone? Not most people, so they take the easy way out and do nothing… and keep getting nothing… and keep dreaming and wondering why nothing has changed! Hello? We naturally gravitate toward our “comfort” zones and will stay there. But the few who decide to get off the bench and into the game, will do whatever it takes to live the life they want to live. They also know when they get off the bench, they’re going to get hit! They just suck it up and get tough. But they also know they will spend life actually living and enjoy an exciting life, instead of living a lonely, boring existence with no memories or adventures to speak of. This is the life of an overcomer, and overachiever. Anything worth having is worth working for, right? Those who take this road will also enjoy the spoils, living “the good life!”
How do we do this?
- 1. Plan it
- 2. Map it
- 3. Track it
Just like if we were wanting to lose weight or get out of debt and build wealth… it all starts with a plan. The plan is golden! What is it that you are having trouble with and can’t seem to overcome? What seems to be the problem? “How do I lose weight? I have tried a least a dozen diets and nothing seems to work” you ask. “How do I pay my bills off when I can’t even pay the minimum payments on my credit cards now, much less pay extra?” That’s when you look up someone who has “been there and done that” and let them walk you through the steps to success, as your coach.
After you have the “Big Picture” then you have to connect the dots from point A to B to C to D… until you get to your destination. These are the practical steps, how you can actually make it happen. You keep breaking it down into bite-size pieces until you know exactly what the next step will be each time. Just like after you decide “where” you want to go on vacation, you have to decide “how” you are going to get there, what method you will take and when you are going to go. You have to connect each leg of your journey so you know how you are going to get there, how you are going to return home, and what you are going to do while you are there. It’s the same process with any goal. Make it fun and don’t leave any missing pieces.
Next, you have to get in the car and go… get started on your journey. The hardest step is the first one, and nothing happens until you start. Then you have to drive, follow your roadmap, read the road signs, make sure you are on the right road and don’t get off course, and keep driving until you get there. You track your progress, so if you get off on the wrong road, you can turn around and get back on course. Just like you track your direction when you go on vacation, you also need to track your progress toward your goal, to see how close you are, or if you have gotten off course. Then make adjustments. You won’t know you have gotten off-budget or off-eating plan if you are not watching the bottom line. Always track it… or you won’t get there! You will need to take short breaks, but get back in the car and keep moving in the direction of your dreams, your destination. Sometimes you take two steps forward and one step back, but that’s okay, keep going. Don’t throw in the towel yet… you’re still ahead of the game. This is how you lose the weight, get out of debt, get your degree to open your own business, etc. This is how you go from dreaming, to doing, to living the dream!
Yes, it takes hard work… but the “Reward is in the Work.” This is where that “Winning Feeling” comes in! When you are doing all that hard work (the pain), the part you don’t like, you remember all the “perks” of winning (the gain) versus taking the easy way out and doing nothing. You remember how good it feels to be thin and your clothes fit nicely instead of being snug on you; or how wonderful and free it feels to be out of debt, be able to take vacations, and have money in the bank in case of emergency. That’s the winning feeling I’m talking about and that makes it all worth it! That keeps you motivated and on course toward your goal. Yes, you will have to maintain your position once you get there, and stay out of debt or maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it sure is a lot easier than climbing back up the mountain! Life is built on a hill, and you are either getting pulled down by gravity or always pressing upward. Keep pressing onward and upward… you CAN DO this! Anything IS possible… if you can believe (Mark 9:23)!