React or Respond?

When something happens to you, do you respond or react… or overreact? Sometimes things happen that “tick you off” or “fire you up.” It could be anything from getting stuck in traffic, to standing in the slow line at the store, or someone just saying something the wrong way. You know what I mean. Your […]

Growth Has to be Intentional

Wishing Doesn’t Make It Happen Just like you plant corn seed to grow corn, you have to plant good thoughts in order to grow a good crop. Just like you can’t “think” a corn harvest in, if you “wish” hard enough you can go outside and your rows will be full of corn, ready to […]

Use it or Lose it

#1 – Identify It When thoughts, attitudes, emotions, or desires come to your door, the first thing you want to do is “Identify” them. Like someone knocking on your door, are they friend or foe? Do you receive them into your home or do you slam the door or not open it at all? Whose […]

Remember Who Gives You Everything…

Sometimes, we tend to be possessive. We may think that we worked have hard for something and don’t want to share it, or that it is ours. But we have to remember who gave us the ability to obtain wealth in the first place and who owns everything? God created this earth and He owns […]

Making Winners Out of Us

Defense vs. Offense Whenever we believe we have a clear direction from God and are excited to proceed, then “all of a sudden” it seems like we are bombarded with opposition to prevent us from proceeding, we shouldn’t be surprised. That is satan’s m.o. (modus operandi). He is just doing his job. Making Winners Out of […]

It’s Never Too Late!

Like Peter when he got out of the boat and started walking on water but then he began to sink, sometimes it feels like we are going under and won’t make it through to the other side of our trial. But remember – Never Fear, God is Here! Sometimes we feel like our situation is […]

Stand Your Ground

Strength – power or might, the ability to exert or withstand great force or pressure. Resistance – the act of resisting, opposing, or withstanding. The Bible says the devil, our adversary, comes to steal, kill, and destroy. What are his targets? STEAL our joy, peace, future, provision, inheritance, focus, etc. KILL our hopes, dreams, destiny, […]

Going Uphill

Of course you’re going to have “resistance” when you are: Going against the grain Swimming upstream Mountain climbing Flying, defying gravity That’s what builds muscles – not going downstream! Going against the grain is going “against the natural instinct of your Flesh or Soul”. When you can go against what comes “natural” to you, i.e.: To […]


We are a team: Soul and Spirit, and God and Man. We have to work together to get anything accomplished. Control Tower Like an airline pilot and air traffic control tower, you have to listen to and work with the tower in order to land or take-off safely. Mission Control Like a rocket launching and […]