Rhonda Tharp is a Trainer/Coach, Author, Writer, Speaker, Musician/Worshiper, and Prophetic Voice. She is called to be a Godmother or Spiritual Mom (Mother of Many), to teach, train, and encourage the Body of Christ in order to help bring them into maturity. We suffer needlessly for our own ignorance (Hosea 4:6).Visit her website at www.RhondaTharp.com.
Rhonda is a Spiritual Fitness Trainer (trainer for your inner man), and founder of www.SpiritualFitnessTrainer.com, a premiere coaching program helping people Build their spirit, Control their soul, and Discipline their body, giving them an A+ life.
Physical training has limited value, but spiritual training is priceless, benefiting in every way (1 Timothy 4:8). Being married to a high school football coach for over thirty years (Tim), Rhonda’s unique spin in applying spiritual principles to physical exercise techniques helps us understand God’s Word and be able to apply it to our lives, thereby bringing transformation. She helps you identify areas that need improvement, and create a workout plan to target those problem areas. She helps make you bigger than your giants, faster drawing the sword of the Word of God, stronger than your Self trying to dominate you, and wiser than your opponent. To see the changes you desire on the outside, you must first make changes on the inside. Her wise counsel and instruction have helped many to understand the way God created us to operate on the inside, how God’s Spirit interacts with our spirit to help us on a daily basis, and how the enemy of our soul tries to derail us from God’s perfect plan and enjoying the benefits He has freely provided. Her passion is to help you discover who God created you to be so you can have all He meant for you to have, and live an overcoming life!
This is a coaching program, not teaching or preaching, so it may be a new experience for some of you. She will get in your face, and tell you to get off your duff and do something; move it, move it! But she will also encourage you, make you laugh, have you cheering and chanting, drilling you, and even give you homework – because practice makes perfect. So Get Ready… Set… Grow!